Welcome to the Vale Earth Fair 2022

The annual Vale Earth Fair music and arts festival. Live music and DJs across six stages from midday until midnight, featuring UK and Channel Island artists.
It looks like we’re back to as ‘normal’ as things can be after years of lockdowns and restrictions. We are once again lucky enough to bring over some massive acts from overseas alongside incredible local talent. This year, we have not held back on bringing you a full day of music and arts with all six stages filled with talent, entertainment and the usual Vale Earth Fair ridiculousness.
Throughout the castle today, you will experience performances from every genre across our six stages put together by a hard-working group of dedicated volunteers. Some of the acts from today will be familiar but some will be new. We are sure you will find those you know and love as well as some new artists you will discover for the first time. Regardless of whether they are old or new favourites, you can guarantee that everyone has relentlessly rehearsed and poured hours of work into the performances you see today.
The Vale Earth Fair is about community both locally and around the world, and this year’s event is no different. We have brought in a new charity this year to support called the Linda Norgrove Foundation. They are a grant-giving trust that funds education, health and childcare for women and children affected by the war in Afghanistan. Two additional charities which we are pleased to support again are locally-based Safer who support all victims of domestic abuse and the Burma Campaign UK who work for human rights, democracy and development in Burma.
Obviously, it’s imperative to keep yourselves watered and fed in order to party until midnight. Within the castle walls you will discover the finest and freshest vegetarian food available as well as two fully stocked bars. This includes Errol’s Bar on the ramparts – please head up there and spare a moment to remember one of the founders of this festival who sadly departed in 2019. Errol will always be an inspiration to those involved in making this festival happen.
We make a lot of noise during the day, so please be considerate and respectful to the Vale Castle neighbours when you leave the festival. We want you to be safe so please make sure you have a way home, whether that’s cycling, walking home with friends or being picked up at midnight by your kind-hearted parents.

If you are keen to find out more about the Vale Earth Fair and the causes we support please visit us at the Festival Tent (situated by the exit to the Pixie Stage and the Magic Moustache Stage) where a wealth of information is available. Here you will also be able to chat to some of the bands after their performances and have the opportunity to purchase merchandise (purch the merch?). The Festival Tent functions as our event hub, so please reclaim/hand-in any lost property here. If you discover that you are missing any personal belongings in the days following the event we can be contacted via our Facebook page or email info@valeearthfair.org.
To abide with claim culture, could all lost children please report to the Festival Tent, and if you are silly enough to lose your child, please report to the Festival Tent and if they haven't reported to us we'll do our best to find them for you.
A special thank you this year goes to all those lovely people that bought early tickets and made donations, and to the Guernsey Arts Commission, who continue to support all that we do, and finally a big thank you to all the artists who have performed at the fundraising events throughout the year.
Thank you for reading this message. All that remains for us to say is please be considerate to fellow revellers and make sure you have an AMAZING time.